
planterSpring Seedlings Program

We work hard all year to secure funding to purchase seedlings every Spring! We can take order requests down during any season, but the seedlings get delivered in early Spring (usually late April). Local landowners and residents can order the foot-long (from root bare to tip) seedlings in any quantity and supplied species they like! PRWIN picks up the seedlings and will contact participants for a local pick-up date and location. Our hardworking volunteer directors and two part-time employees will pick and organize the custom orders. Requests from landowners that require help planting hundreds of trees on acreage, PRWIN can provide assistance by having our volunteer directors “tractor tree plant” the seedlings by using our custom tree planting implement.

Here is the latest list of available tree seedlings through our Spring Seedlings Program:


  • White Pine
  • Red Pine
  • White Spruce
  • Norway Spruce
  • Tamarack
  • Black Walnut
  • White Cedar
  • Sugar Maple
  • Silver Maple
  • Red Maple (native)
  • Red Oak
  • White Oak
  • Hybrid Poplar
  • Black Cherry

*availability dependent on total quantity ordered

Call us at 519-395-5538 or email to place your Spring seedling order.

Potted Tree Ash Replacement Program for Huron-Kinloss Shoreline Residents:

Program available in 2025 – Due Date for order is June 1st.

The Pine River Watershed Initiative Network has developed a new program! If you reside along the Lake Huron shoreline in Huron Kinloss Township, and have ash trees affected by the Emerald Ash Borer, you could be eligible for a FREE large-potted replacement tree through our Potted Tree Ash Replacement Program! Call us to see if your property qualifies, and to get involved in the program. The “Huron-Kinloss shoreline area” includes Lake Range Drive and below (west) to the shore of Lake Huron, south from Hwy 86 to north Saratoga Rd/Huron.We will do our best to fulfill the species choice of the landowner, but will need to remain flexible with availibility from the nuseries and soil conditions. Typical native species include; maple (silver, red), beech, birch, cedar, spruce, oak, walnut.  We are aiming to deliver the large potted trees in late September for landowner planting. If you require help planting, we can arrange help!

Email pineriverwatershed@pineriverwatershed or call 519-395-5538 to get involved in the program!

MAP: Boundaries Map

Infected Ash Trees will begin to lose their upper branch foliage first. Look for bark splitting, S-shaped grooves under the bark, and D-shaped exit holes.
In some cases, treatment through inoculation is successful. PRWIN can help you locate a certified inoculation expert in the area!

Education and Outreach Programming: McLarty ESA for Outdoor Classrooms

PRWIN has hosted ½ day classes from Port Elgin to Lucknow at our McLarty Environmental Study Area. The area located at Bruce Road 6, and side road 20 in Huron Kinloss was supplied by John McLarty and Family. The acreage has been the site of many in-ground projects over the years, and is open to the public (at their own risk). Gravel trails were created through the Great Lakes Guardian Fund and two wetlands were developed through funding by Environment Canada and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. Groups like the Horticultural Youth Group of Ripley have also enjoyed annual trips to the centre. The PRWIN Projects’ Coordinator, teacher(s), and educational assistants work together to plan the ½ day activities and programming. Safety is always a number 1 priority! Classes enjoy pond water testing, pollinator counting, frog and macroinvertebrate collecting and releasing. Nets and bowls are used for observation. You may even see the infamous Blue Heron that resides at the McLarty ESA! In many cases, we have funding available to supply the class with busing from and back to their school, rental of a porta potty, and supply a simple snack like apples and water. Call us at 519-395-5538 or email or to reserve your class!

kids striped kids

speakerEducation and Outreach Programming: Speaker Series

PRWIN has been asked by many local groups and clubs to speak at their annual, or monthly meetings. This opportunity allows local residents and their peers to be brought up to date with our activities. A PowerPoint presentation is usually given by our Projects’ Coordinator. This presentation discusses how and why we exist, and highlights the past, present, and future in-ground projects and programming we are establishing. Call us at 519-395-5538 or email or to request a meeting date. We do our absolute best to accommodate all requests, however, some dates and times may be out of our regular scheduled working hours.